Typewriter Tarot-Scopes: March 2024

By Madeleine Gunhart

Can you feel the stirring of the earth? The young shoots of green wriggling towards the sun, the birds warming up their songs, the ground thawing? This month, we are heading straight towards Ostara, the Spring Equinox, a time of rebirth and awakening. (Southern Hemisphere friends are enjoying Mabon’s harvest on the opposite end of the wheel.)

It’s a time to bloom! A time to shake off the last bit of snow! A time to reattune to growth and expansion!

To celebrate the occasion, I’ve pulled three cards from The Radiant Tarot by Tony Barnstone and Alexandria Eldridge to divine a collective message for the month of March. When I look at these three archetypes side by side, they seem to say:

Create your own flow and experiment with personal equilibrium.

Temperance, Two of Pentacles, and Nine of Cups from The Radiant Tarot.

Temperance reminds us that balance is a concoction that needs regular tending and adjusting, like a cosmic soup. We never reach a point in our life where we “achieve” balance; it’s a daily practice and an ever-evolving state. Remember this as you reawaken this spring. Your needs might very well be different than they were during the winter months! As you unfurl and shake out your petals for the warmer months, ask yourself what your soul and body are craving. Stretching sessions by your sunniest window? A weekly dose of succulence from your local farmer’s market? Motown records and chai lattes? Concoct your bespoke brew and adjust as needed throughout the season, adding a pinch of whimsy here or a dash of spontaneity there, to taste.

Two of Pentacles also encourages balance, asking us to prioritize everything we’re juggling. Yes, it’s tempting to shake off the stillness of winter by jumping into a flurry of events and activities. Resist the urge, and take a beat. Dip your toe in and let the water warm up before completely diving in. You don’t have to do everything right away! Think about how flowers grow in spring, slowly spreading their petals before becoming full blooms. Go petal by petal, being mindful of what you take on this season. Meet invitations with a balanced bouquet of acceptances and declines. When your plate isn’t overloaded, you can savor everything on it all the better.

Nine of Cups can symbolize gratitude, contentment, and fulfilled wishes. Many find comfort and  contentment by regularly practicing gratitude for what they already have. But I also understand that, in certain seasons of life, gratitude practices can feel frustrating, unfulfilling, or even confronting. In spellcasting, it’s common practice to phrase your intentions for the future as if they have already come true (for example: “I am prosperous” instead of “I will be prosperous”). What if you applied the same concept to your gratitude practice? Have faith in the seeds you’ve planted that haven’t yet sprouted, and try “pre-gratitude” on for size, being thankful (and hopeful) for what’s to come. Whether you’re grateful for your current contentment or visualizing your future satisfaction, welcome the spirit of thankfulness this month in whatever way feels most manageable and comforting to you.

As you tend to the lush garden of your mind and spirit this month, remember to nourish all that grows there with a special, balanced blend of whatever inspires you to bloom. Experimentation and change are welcome! Perhaps these three Tarot archetypes and their messages can inspire you to care for your verdant inner space in a way that feels fulfilling and loving.

Want to know more about your personal brand of magic? For a more personalized reading, check out your March Tarot-Scope below!

March Tarot-Scopes

For each zodiac sign, I’ve pulled a card from The Radiant Tarot to lend you a message of support, inspiration, and intention for the month of March. Feel free to read the Tarot-Scope for your sun, moon, and rising signs, or go with the one that resonates most for you. Each Tarot-Scope includes an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt to help you further connect with your monthly message.

The High Priestess, The Hierophant, and Queen of Wands from The Radiant Tarot.

Pisces — The High Priestess: Pisces, we’re smack dab in the middle of your season! There’s no better time to lean into your natural dualities, swimming between the physical and the spiritual realms. Be receptive to all that wishes to come through to you, whether sensory input from the world around you or visions gifted to you through daydreams or meditations. In a society that tends to favor data and logic, you’ve likely been told to keep your head out of the clouds. But your reverie can hold great wisdom from your subconscious, the collective unconscious, or other pockets of the ether. Get lost in your thoughts from time to time and see what you find. (For more on this archetype, check out our podcast episode on The High Priestess!) For an additional creative prompt: Set aside at least 20 minutes for a daydream session. Put your phone and any other distractions away so they can’t reach you. Create an ideal space to relax and get lost in your reverie this can be a seat on a log by the ocean or your preferred spot on the couch with the lights off and your favorite playlist going. Be open to whatever comes up, but try to gently steer your thoughts towards the fanciful and reflective, rather than the mundane and stressful (errands, work, etc.). Stay in this headspace as long as you’d like, indulging in this sacred time with yourself.

Aries — The Hierophant: Consider inspecting and recalibrating your spiritual and moral compasses this month. Impulsiveness may be your default setting, and the thought of examining these impulses may make you squirm, but it’s important to check in and make sure you’re traveling in the right direction. Take some time to think about where your impulses, thoughts, beliefs, and intuition come from (for the intuition piece, you might find inspiration in our podcast episode on The High Priestess!) What values, interests, or spiritual paths guide you? Many of us have different True Norths throughout our lifetimes, so ask yourself: is your guidepost attuned to where you currently want to go? If not, how can you adjust it? For an additional Tarot pull: Remove the Hierophant from your deck, placing it in front of you. Study the card for a minute, noticing how it makes you feel and the thoughts that come up. Shuffle your deck and pull two cards to represent the two main influences currently guiding you. Then, pull two more cards, representing the “tuning keys” that will help you adjust these values or voices to best suit your current journey. These adjustments don’t have to be major, and you may discover through your reading that your influences are working well for you as is.

Taurus — Queen of Wands: Don’t underestimate your social impact, Taurus. Your dependable, grounded nature acts as an anchor for many people, who, in turn, greatly value your opinions and insights. You have the power to plant seeds of ideas that may well bloom into vast fields of flowers. So, what is it you’d like to do with your influence? Reflect on how you can help shape your community, asking yourself what visions you’d like to propagate. When you’re ready, raise your voice, and let your fierce heart be known. For an additional Tarot pull and creative prompt: Set a timer for two minutes and write down any and all changes you’d like to see globally or in your local community. Try to write the entire time and record your thoughts without judgment. Then, circle the idea that’s most exciting or interesting to you. Draw a seed at the bottom of a sheet of paper, writing your idea inside it. Complete the drawing by adding a simple flower with a stalk that rises out of the seed, a circular center, and five or so petals. Then, shuffle your Tarot deck. Pull one card representing the main source of support that will help you bring your idea to life, or the stalk of the flower. Pull another card representing the best way to draw attention to your message, or the center of your flower. Finally, pull a card representing each petal, or small actions you can take to realize your vision. Record your answers on your flower drawing and decorate it however you please.

King of Wands, Nine of Swords, and Four of Cups from The Radiant Tarot.

Gemini — King of Wands: You’re a born visionary, Gemini. Your mind is a vast kingdom of ideas, information, and the kind of curiosity that is capable of breeding true innovation. In your constant quest to discover more, it can be tempting to ditch ideas after the initial spark of excitement begins to fade. Challenge that urge this month, imagining what it would be like to see your visions through to their fulfillment. Pick one thought that’s specifically piquing your interest and commit to nurturing it throughout the month. You don’t have to do it alone; start by sharing your vision with a trusted friend or colleague and, when you’re ready, begin enlisting others who can help realize your vision, whether through moral support, accountability, assistance, or whatever else you may need. It takes bravery and determination to bring your ideas to life; trust that you already have the strength you need. For an additional creative prompt: Set aside a section of your notebook (or a sheet in your notes app) to be used exclusively for recording any visions or ideas you have that you’d like to see realized. Spend one week gathering ideas, then pick one vision and share it with a trusted person who can act as your accountability buddy. Then, spend another week recording any thoughts you have about how you could bring this vision to life, including what resources and help you would need. At the end of the week, formulate a goal based on your findings. This goal should ideally be a small and manageable way to start realizing your vision not a detailed master plan! Share this goal with your accountability buddy, and aim to have it completed by the end of the month.

Cancer — Nine of Swords: Cancer, sometimes you just need to feel it all. Intuitive awareness and sensitivity may be second nature to you, but even your deep emotional well has its limits. Your empathy is like a sponge for feelings, and it needs to be wrung out every now and then. So, let it out! Set aside some time to squeeze out the build-up, with a long cry to your favorite sad movie, a primal scream in a secluded space, or your preferred method of catharsis. This emotional letting-go just might leave you feeling lighter and create some space in your interior world. For an additional creative prompt: Schedule a feelings date with yourself! Reflect on what emotions have been brewing under the surface for you lately (Sadness, anger, nostalgia, fear?), and plan a cathartic activity accordingly. Enjoy a movie, playlist, book, or activity that stimulates this emotion for you, and let it all out! Whether it’s (safely!) breaking plates or curling up with Joni Mitchell’s Blue, try not to hold back any feelings or (safe!) urges that come up for you, such as vocalizations, movements that feel good, or other emotional expressions. Surrender yourself to feeling, and make sure to schedule some time for rest and recuperation afterwards.

Leo — Four of Cups: It’s okay to say no. In fact, it can be downright important. Your vivacious energy naturally attracts a slew of invites, and being the life of the party can be oh-so-intoxicating. But, Leo, if you’re really being honest with yourself, there are times when you’re just not feeling it, right? Sometimes the vibe just isn’t resonating with you, but you still feel the pressure to perform and the allure of social satisfaction. This month, try to really listen to your wants and needs before auto-accepting invitations. Beneath the expectation (and desire) to be a social superstar lie quieter emotions and needs that deserve to be heard and met. Exercise your ability to decline or, at the very least, take some time to check in before you leap. For an additional Tarot pull and creative prompt: Practice saying no! Shuffle your Tarot deck, and pull one card to start. Imagine that this card is asking something of you. Don’t overthink what the card is asking or worry about the question being too goofy! For example: The Chariot might be asking you for a ride to the airport, or Two of Cups might be asking you out for drinks. Verbally say “No” or “No, thank you” or “I can’t, but thanks” to the card. Then, move on to the next one, repeating this exercise several times (perhaps using 10 to 20 cards, or whatever feels right). You can be polite, but try not to make specific excuses or give many reasons. Your “no” stands on its own!

Five of Cups, Four of Pentacles, and Ace of Pentacles from The Radiant Tarot.

Virgo — Five of Cups: Explore your relationship to perfectionism this month. Your attention to detail and dedication to accuracy are valuable assets, but they can become roadblocks if you don’t leave any room for mistakes or mishaps. You might have a tendency to laser-focus on anything that goes wrong, to the point where a minor imperfection can spoil an otherwise smashingly successful endeavor. You don’t need to be optimistic or carefree about every setback. Instead, let yourself feel the frustration, process it, and then let it go. Fixating too much on small issues can be detrimental to both your work and your mental wellbeing. Begin taking steps towards acknowledging, examining, and healing your need for perfection (and don’t judge yourself if and when change doesn’t happen immediately!). For an additional creative prompt: Practice imperfection by completing one (or both) of the following exercises: draw shapes purposefully “wrong” (circles that don’t connect, triangles whose sides extend too far, etc.), filling up a whole sheet, or read a short article aloud, purposely mispronouncing or skipping at least a couple words per paragraph. Let yourself feel whatever emotions come up, noting them and then letting them pass. Do your best to breathe deep and check in with your body (loosening tension and relaxing muscles) during the course of the exercise.  

Libra — Four of Pentacles: In your effort to create a balanced, beautiful environment, make sure you don’t accidentally become a miser. Remember: you’re allowed to enjoy things, even if it takes away their polish. Let yourself flop down on the couch cushions, light those deliciously-scented candles (accepting that their waxy pillars might burn unevenly), and wear your beautiful shoes out of the house. Of course, it’s more than okay to keep some things pristine and untouched. But be mindful of when you’re denying yourself joy by stressing over aesthetics. No one appreciates balance quite like you do, Libra, so lean into a rhythm of utility and fashion that feels good to you. Enjoy what you have, and share the wealth (even if it means letting a friend enjoy some candy from your perfectly color-coded jar of decorative sweets). For an additional Tarot pull: Pull four cards from your deck, asking the following questions: What joys am I denying myself? What block am I facing when it comes to enjoyment? How can I work with this block? How can I create a better balance for myself? Journal about your findings, and, as a bonus, commit to enjoying something you've been denying yourself.

Scorpio — Ace of Pentacles: Let’s look forward, Scorpio! It can be tempting to endlessly swim in the waters of the past, analyzing every “what if?” But eventually, you need to come up for air and seek solid ground. Nurturing something new can be a beautiful way to access hope and awareness, bringing you out of the depths of your inner world and into a mindful present. Sow some seeds this month and gift yourself with fresh potential. Even if you don’t know exactly what you’re planting yet, you can still find joy in the anticipation of its growth and the process of bringing it to life. For an additional Tarot pull: Shuffle your deck, visualizing a packet of mixed seeds, full of potential. Pull three cards to represent potential seeds you can plant this month. Pick your favorite idea, or commit to nurturing all three! Then, pull an additional card, asking how you can best tend to these seeds.

Ace of Cups, Page of Swords, and King of Cups from The Radiant Tarot.

Sagittarius — Ace of Cups: Sagittarius, you embody the archetype of the archer, and this month your quiver is brimming with heart-tipped arrows. Sure, Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to play Cupid! Why not share a little love with those around you? It doesn’t have to be romantic (but it can be, if you’re so inclined!). Whether you’re spreading love for a cause near and dear to your heart, enthusing about a project or creator you’re passionate about, or taking compassionate action in your community, there are a plethora of ways to allocate your affection. So, go out there and share what’s in your heart. You never know what love might come back your way. For an additional Tarot pull and creative prompt: Draw four hearts on a sheet of paper. Inside each heart, write the name of someone or something (an artist, a cause, a local restaurant, a dear friend, etc.) you love and what you love about them. Then, pull four cards from your deck, placing one on each heart. Flip over the cards one by one, asking, “How can I best express this love?” Try to express love to at least one of your objects of affection this month.

Capricorn — Page of Swords: Capricorn, there’s no denying that your ambition is impressive. But it’s a bit of a double-edged sword, isn’t it? In your pursuit to do it all and do it well, it can be agonizing to experience the fumbling (and humbling!) that comes with learning something new. It’s tempting to rush the process, pushing yourself to your limit so you can get the basics over with quickly. But…what if you slow down and try to actually enjoy the sensation of newness? What if you don’t worry about looking (or feeling) silly or uninformed? What if you have reverence for your role as a student? If you look past your discomfort with inexperience, you might discover a lush landscape where you can revel in beginnings and gladly take your time. Your self-consciousness might not dissipate completely, but it could be persuaded to take a nap beneath a shady tree every now and then. For an additional Tarot pull and creative prompt: Try a new activity you’ve been interested in. You can enroll in a class, watch a YouTube tutorial from home, or learn in another way that works best for you. Do your best to complete the first session of this new activity without belittling yourself or giving up. Before you begin, you might remove The Fool from your deck, examining the card for a minute. Ask The Fool how you can best embrace beginner energy with joy and freedom, pulling one to three additional cards to help you discern the message.

Aquarius — King of Cups: Fluent in both pragmatism and empathy, you possess a potent blend of influential qualities. Throw your humanitarian nature into the mix, and it’s impossible to deny your innate ability to lead. Try to shed preconceived notions of leadership (Aquarius, I know your rebellious streak can make you uneasy with the idea of authority). But you can lead by example, sharing your experiences and viewpoints for others to take in and consider. Leadership can also look like teaching others what you know, speaking out against oppressive systems, or even making yourself available for advice or guidance to those who seek it. You don’t have to be in an official position of authority to influence or guide others. Let your natural inclination towards innovation be a beacon, however you choose to express it. For an additional Tarot pull: Shuffle your deck, visualizing leaders you admire and the traits they embody. Pull five cards, one for each of the following questions: What is my leadership style? What wisdom or insight do I possess that wants to be shared? How can I best express this wisdom or insight? What’s my biggest mental block surrounding leadership? How can I begin to work with this block?


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About Madeleine Gunhart

Madeleine Gunhart is a writer, witch, and Tarot reader from Seattle. She enjoys helping folks connect with themselves through empathetic Tarot readings and writing empowering stories for young readers. You can find her on the site formerly known as Twitter at @madgunhart and Instagram at @madeleinegunhart.