A transformative portal for Creative Spirits…
CREATIVE REVOLUTION offers 3 months of highly personalized, deep support to clear creative blocks, reconnect with the magic of creativity & move toward creative goals according to your rhythms, your nature, & your MAGIC!
✨ Are you tired of constantly pushing creative time to the back-burner because “there’s no time,” or “not enough time” to get into the flow?
✨ Are you tired of fielding questions about the project you started last year (because it’s currently stalled in creative purgatory but still haunting your dreams)?
✨ Are you exhausted from trying to create like everyone else & collapsing into a puddle of woe because your creations feels foreign and uninteresting to you?
✨ Are you filled with juicy ideas but also plagued by a small mountain of half-started projects (& quasi-paralyzed about what you should actually work on)?
Yes, finding time to create in this ultra-modern world is challenging. Tuning out the noise from the news, our phones, and the news in our phones so we can make space for creative thinking — that’s tough. Add in the demands of work, childcare, elder-care, plus other passions and social obligations and, yeah, it starts to feel like maybe there’s a total of 3 seconds left each month for making art or writing stories.
It doesn’t help that we’re led to believe Creativity is a luxury in this world — the thing we get to do after we take care of everything else, the thing we have to earn time for by crushing our to-do lists in impossible feats of herculean productivity.
But Creativity is not a luxury, friends. It’s a necessity!
Without it, we’re mere husks of our true selves.
A blocked creative channel within a Creative Spirit is like a total-body energetic constipation. When we relinquish our Goddess-given right to create, we turn our backs on powerful forms of self-expression, on nourishing forms of play, on joyous experimentation, and connection with The Great Mystery that fuels our creative ideas.
There are a million factors, internal and external, that put our creative lives at risk. And there a million pathways back home to our creative selves. For each of us, the blocks — and the opening of creative channels — looks a little different. But I promise it’s possible to…
⛰️ Turn wildly intermittent bursts of creativity into a consistent creative practice that fits your lifestyle, feels nourishing and sustainable, and takes you closer to completed projects that live and breathe in the world.
🎨 Transform doubt and insecurity about the worth of your ideas (or yourself as an artist) into deep-in-your-bones belief that your art matters — which is all the fuel you need to turn your ideas into 3D creations!
🎉 Stop hiding your creative proclivities and instead find the creative community where you feel seen and celebrated for the art you make and the artist you’re becoming.
🌀 Turn uncertainty about what you’re making or what you “should” make into intuitively guided direction and a deep, rich understanding of what you’re creating, why, and how to go about it.
Sometimes, it just takes a little help from a friend — like me… I work with Creative Spirits to shift and alchemize their relationship to Creativity so they can bring their ideas into the world beautifully and truthfully!
I’m here to help you:
+ make peace with your inner critic
+ expand & deepen your ideas
+ unlearn unhelpful ideas around Creativity
+ develop projects at your pace & in your way
+ help your reach the people who crave your art
+ experience a profound, life-changing, magical relationship with Creativity
Join me for a 1:1 collaboration supporting your Creative journey, whether:
+ you’re coming back to Creativity after a long pause
+ you’re moving through a big project that has you nervous-cited + overwhelmed
+ you’re seeking to build & connect with creative community
+ you’re needing a refresh in your creative business
+ you’re detoxing from the competitive / perfectionist kool-aid of academic arts programs
+ you’re simply ready to meet & dance with Creativity differently
If that’s YOU…
Let’s embark on your next…
Creative Revolution is for creators, craftspeople, dreamers & mystics who…
Who see creativity as an essential part of life, yet struggle to fully embrace it.
Who are ready to explore what’s holding them back from creative flow, confidence, and meaningful action.
Who seek a strong ally to back their creative work by helping refine ideas, embrace opportunities, finish projects with more ease, and share creations with adoring fans.
Who soaked up oodles of workshops studying a craft, but still quietly wonder why they’re not doing the thing yet.
Who drifted away from Creativity a while ago and long to come home to the connection and medicine of creative practice.
Who make a living from creative work and struggle to earn enough, connect with their audience, and grow their community in meaningful and sustainable ways.
Who want their art to change the world, and could use a powerful ally as they step forward and bring more visibility — and impact! — to their work.
The Questions Driving Creative Revolution…
We’ll connect with your true desires around Creativity. Some of these desires have been hidden away (aka, you’ve talked yourself out of them) because so much of the external world functions to do just that. We’ll excavate what you truly want creatively so you can start moving in that direction.
We’ll explore what happens when you set out to create but don’t, when you start to create then back away, when you ideate like crazy only to balk at the overwhelm of where to start or how to “do it all.” We’ll lovingly and gently (with humor and exploration) give space to these stories, blocks, and feelings and find out what they need so they stop running the show from behind the scenes, and you can move forward without steamrolling your inner experience.
We’ll explore what your creative practice is like logistically. Together, we’ll imagine processes, practices, and rituals to help you create consistently, sustainably, and with pleasure! Most creatives are trying too hard to “be disciplined,” forcing themselves to get the work done, which can backfire and create more inner resistance. We’ll identify what works for you beyond all the advice and “best practices” you’ve heard everywhere else.
We’ll explore the community you’re seeking around your creative work and where might you find it. It’s beautiful to create in solitude, but ultimately, art wants to be seen. You may not be in that place yet (or you might be super hungry for an audience of loyal fans), but we’ll at least begin to explore and imagine the humans who will be nourished and inspired by your work.
We’ll always highlight the sparkly, cosmic signs and signals coming at you when you fall into the flow (aka create authentically)! We’ll explore the energetic currents of your work — themes, aesthetics, symbols — to see more of the magic that is Creativity. I’ll be your curious, witchy ally who listens deeply and helps you tease out new threads, observe patterns, and decipher intuitive hits that can draw you deeper into your work (so you’ll feel naturally motivated and excited to come back to it.
We’ll explore your inherently love for Creativity, for your work, and for the people you inspire with your art. Creativity is a heart-and-soul supporting practice. I honestly believe that only half of the value of Creativity lies in the actual creations; equally important are the gifts Creativity gives us, how it enhances our lives and lends meaning to our journey. We create art because it feels bad if we don’t, and because we love the world (or a certain things about it) and want to capture that in indelible ways. We’ll also make sure you’re celebrating (one way of practicing love), not just the big stuff but the little things too. When we move closer to the loving side of the creative spectrum, so much more becomes possible.
Hi, I’m Cecily…
I’ve been supporting and working with creative people for nearly 20 years — teaching creative writing to people of all ages, working as a book coach and manuscript doctor, running creative programming for schools, libraries, and community organizations, and helping people explore the mystical side of Creativity (along with the practical!).
In my work with clients, I draw on what I’ve learned and experienced across multiple modalities and practices in the creative and healing arts: the nuanced craft of writing (I have an MFA in fiction and lots of experience as a journalist); the path to publication (I’ve helped many people get there); ritual, spiritual, and archetypal work; dream analysis; Internal Family Systems (parts work); somatic experiencing; nature-based attachment and connection; among others. I’m also Trauma of Money Certified™.
I’m a Capricorn sun, moon, and Mars(!) and a Taurus rising, so I bring loads of earthy energy to my work, helping my clients feel grounded, calm, and held as we walk the creative path together.
Creative Revolution includes…
One-size-fits-you roadmap
Personalized Support
In six 75-minute sessions over Zoom, we’ll revitalize, transform & re-vision your relationship with Creativity. Includes copy review (where applicable) & asynchronous support outside our sessions.
A creative & magical playbook
Tarot for Creative Spirits
You’ll get my workbook filled with journaling & creative prompts for every card in the Tarot — a beautiful complement to deepen our work & make new discoveries along the journey.
new friends in creativity
Community Support
You also get three months of membership in the Creative Magic Collective, a learning community of Creative Spirits committed to exploring Tarot, creativity, magic & nature.
but what do the cards say?
Divinely Guided
We’ll begin & conclude your journey with a Tarot reading (2 extra sessions) to inform, guide & reflect our work. I’ll also pull cards for you at the end of each session.
What former clients say…
💜 Before my work with Cecily, I wasn't creatively brave. I lived most of my life surrounded by creative people, but participating in creative actions as an observer or supporter. I secretly and passionately wished I was able to participate in the world in a creative way, but I had an inner critic that never took a day off and a lifetime of participating in some very limiting thinking and adherence to societal nonsense. I suspected all of this was holding me back prior to my work with Cecily, but as we dug in and started really dissecting what was going on, I was able to navigate all this internal and external programming in a new way and begin the work of casting off the old and walking into a present where I am drawing and writing and making, and it's so much fun. Cecily would often remind me that I was the one doing all the hard work, but it sure is wonderful to have a wise, funny, wildly creative, and kind person by your side as you do that work.
~ Brandi (real estate agent reclaiming creativity with visual art and writing)
💜 I signed up for creative coaching with Cecily because I wanted my writing process to be less fraught, less tense, and less exhausting. Cecily helped me feel through the block, to track it as it changed shape from a stubborn, slothful monster to its truer shape as a fearful, self-hating cringe. In Cecily’s calming and solid presence, I was able to stay with my emotions rather than avoid them and get curious about the rich information contained in those feelings. Over and over, I’ve gotten to feel the sense in my body of what it’s like to live (and write) without that fearful cringe, and the more I feel it, the easier it becomes to find it again. Cecily provided numerous tools to help me treat myself with kindness and move toward a place of openness, which comes more easily now. During our time together, I made significant progress on the revision of my novel, began healing old wounds, and processing old grief. Above all, I discovered more safety, freedom, and joy in my writing process.
~ Kat (award-winning three-time YA novelist)
💜 It has been amazing working with Cecily over the last few months. Finding creative inspiration was never my problem, but I'd often become overwhelmed with ideas, almost paralyzed by them at times. I often had difficulty deciding where to focus my energy and how to best achieve goals, leaving me with a sense that I was spinning my wheels. Cecily helped me assess my actions against my goals. She got to know me and my work and her approach to coaching me was bespoke and personalized, without the generic platitudes too often encountered in the coaching realm.
~ Ami (self-supporting visual artist)
Curiosity calls are free and reserved for those who want to explore a longer (3-month mentorship engagement).
These calls are where we determine whether and how I can help you, and if we’re a good fit.
If you’d like a single coaching session to refine, brainstorm, and trouble-shoot, I offer 90-minute sessions for $222.
✨ I’m also available — on a limited basis — for manuscript consultation, which includes a thorough review of your fiction, nonfiction, or memoir manuscript, with attention to themes, structure, voice, and your goals for the work. Concludes with a 90-minute consultation to discuss and integrate feedback. Inquire here. ✨
For community support, check out the Creative Magic Collective.
For Tarot readings, click here.