Welcome to…

🕯️ If you dabble in magic, or believe in magic, or definitely want to believe in magic…

✨ If you’re ready to learn Tarot in a different, embodied, slow and steady way…

🌸 If your learning styles include storytelling, visualizing, wandering around, making art, seeing the teacher in all things, experimenting, dorking out, or asking the goddesses…

🌹 If you’re a little bit mystical, make friends with plants and animals, and want to tap into cycles and rhythms of nature (more than the timing and schedules of capitalism)…

🔥 If you’re trying to hold on to your magic and joy in the midst of multiple modern crises, but it sometimes feels overwhelming and impossible…

🦋 If you want your magic to go further in the world — creatively, spiritually, inspirationally — and you’d love to feel more connected, supported, and resourced…

🥰 If you’re ready to connect with other creative witches so you can talk about ENCHANTING STUFF way more often — like symbols, dreams, Tarot cards, your own unique creative practices…

The Creative Magic Collective was designed for you!

To receive news and special offers about the Creative Magic Collection, sign up here.

The Creative Magic Collective is an enchanting learning and discovery space for Creative Spirits and Mystics!

For “normie-passing” folks like us, with creative streaks and esoteric interests, it’s hard to find our people out in the world. We tend to be highly perceptive, deeply feeling, sensitive types who were built to connect with The Great Mysteries!

But not everyone in our lives gets it, and our daily interactions include too much small talk (frankly) and not enough mystical shit for our genuine satisfaction! What’s more, we’re smarties — we’ve got healthy appetites for learning and a big supply of curiosity. We crave learning experiences. With interesting teachers. About topics that expand our magic and creativity.

We want spaces where we can dork out about creative projects, Tarot, dreams, and the real substance of life, including the state of the world and things like parenthood, work, parents, friends, and creative visions. We want spaces where our achievements are always celebrated, where we never have to prove our success, and our weirdness and sensitivity is welcomed and honored.

That’s why, in the Creative Magic Collective, we gather regularly to journal, create, pull cards, and explore the many facets of magic- and art-making. Together, we engage in ritual, ask questions, learn, and share stories. In community, our creativity and magic grow brighter, and we find new homes in ourselves as we build confidence to share our gifts with the world.

It’s community — this special, different type of community that has a magical piece to it that’s really supportive and affirming.
— Christie

The Creative Magic Collective includes…

Plenty of opportunities to gather, study, practice, and create! Along with one-on-one support and various ways to connect with other members.


  • Two 45-minute Journaling Sessions — We gather to work with prompts in Tarot for Creative Spirits (my workbook, which you get when you join!), or settle into our own journaling practice. Self-discovery is powerful fuel for our magic! (1st & 3rd Mondays at 10:30am CT, not recorded.)

  • One 45-minute CREATE Session — We gather to work on our creative projects, whatever they may be (fiction or poetry writing, knitting, drawing, coloring, collage, sewing, it’s up to you!). We start with a microdose of inspiration, then we dive into our art, and close with a little celebration. (2nd Tuesday at 6pm CT — not recorded.)

  • One 60-minute Tarot Office Hours — We gather to ask our Tarot questions, swap readings (if you want), or pull cards and compare notes. This is the place where we regularly deepen our Tarot practice and play! (4th Thursday at 6pm CT — recorded & added to the learning library.)

  • One 2-hour guided workshop exploring a magical or creative craft. (See the 2025 curriculum below.) We gather and learn through collective ritual, hands-on work, and lecture too. Sometimes with incredible guest teachers, some of whom are members of the Collective! (Usually Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday at 6:30pm CT — recorded & added to the learning library.)

Membership in the Collective also includes:

  • A copy of my workbook Tarot for Creative Spirits shipped to you (if you’re in the U.S.), or as a PDF if you’re elsewhere. This workbook contains journaling and creative prompts for every card in the Tarot. It’s how this group came to be! It’s a beautiful resource you can use as you like — for self-study and Tarot study. (If you already have a copy, I’ll send one to a friend of your choosing!)

  • Access to the rich and growing learning library of previous workshops — on leadership with the queens and kings, on each suit of the Tarot, on using Tarot to help you write your novel, and more! This library, along with upcoming events, and asynchronous chat spaces are hosted on Circle, a lovely and intuitive platform where we can connect and learn outside of our gatherings.

  • One-year full-access subscription to the Typewriter Tarot Substack newsletter, which gives you monthly rituals and Tarot spreads, Write Your Life with Tarot Prompts, and my essays on magic, Tarot, and creativity. 

  • One-on-one sessions with Cecily for 50% off. ($90 per 75-minute session.) Single sessions (with the exception of Tarot readings) are not available elsewhere.

I like being able to see the same people regularly in this ongoing conversation that I don’t have in any other part of my life — it’s really fulfilling. It’s nice to have a consistent place I can go to see people and talk about Tarot and feelings and create and journal together. We have different backgrounds and interests, but we share this commonality.
— Melanie

Hey, there! 👋🏻 I’m Cecily Sailer — your community curator, creative witch & guide, collaborator & cheerleader (but no toxic positivity here!).

I created this community because I know how much we need it. Not so so long ago, I had (tragically) unplugged from community and creativity. Not on purpose, but my struggles with depression and addiction had brought me to a tough place, where I felt numb, blank, and nearly hopeless. I finally surrendered to the reality of my situation, admitted I needed support, and started seeking it — FOR REAL, finally.

Along the way, group spaces helped me heal deeply, even though it was often uncomfortable to make myself vulnerable and let myself be seen in my full humanity. Teachers of all kinds — both mystical and down-to-earth types — helped me piece together my own cosmology for life and head down new, exciting, magical paths I could not have imagined years before (Typewriter Tarot is one of those paths!)

Tarot helped me come back to Creativity. It gave me a space to imagine stories and peer through the looking glass back at myself to discover more of what I had to offer, more of what I wanted to become. Tarot also helped me connect with thousands of incredible people with beautiful souls, and find a new community of people who were also interested in the magical arts!

My learning and creative journey was (and remains!) meandering, wild, and deeply fulfilling. I know that we learn, heal, create, and expand EVEN MORE when we do so in community. But it’s hard to find places and spaces that feel truly welcoming, where we can be ourselves as we explore ART + THE GREAT MYSTERIES together. I hope you’ll join me inside the Collective. We’ve got a whole community of fun, interesting folks ready to welcome you, and excited to learn alongside you (me included)!

I know what’s possible when we come together for magic and creativity.
I mean, I don’t know everything that’s possible, but now we get to find out!)

The Creative Magic Collective is a spiritual exploration of yourself, the world around you, and how the Self and the world are connected.
— Bianca

We need community now more than ever!

This community is rooted in the energy of Six of Cups — a card that encourages community, reciprocity, exchange, and belonging. Six of Cups offers an image of the world I wish we lived in — a place where our Inner Children shine alongside us, where we create beautiful things together and cultivate environments of growth, warmth, and collaboration. It’s a world where we invest more time in caring for one another, making art, and bringing beautiful magic into the world.

Our modern “reality,” unfortunately, grows more harsh and unstable with every turn around the sun (political mayhem, war and genocide, climate crisis, extractive capitalism on steroids). As a result, we yearn for meaningful community more than ever — it’s human nature. It’s how we survived and made it here!

Community is how we’ll get through what we’re facing now, how we’ll carry on, resource each other, and map new visions for the future. Studies have shown that strong social relationships and a felt sense of community strengthen our resilience, especially in times of crisis. According to the American Psychological Association, “Many studies show that the primary factor in resilience is having caring and supportive relationships within and outside the family. Relationships that create love and trust, provide role models and offer encouragement and reassurance, help bolster a person’s resilience.”

In the Creative Magic Collective, we’re practicing and building that community NOW, as an investment in ourselves and our shared future. While also honing our magic, attuning to our intuition, and connecting with the wisdom of nature and liberatory thinkers and writers.

What we learn together in the Collective we take into our individual worlds, bringing more hope, confidence, and inspiration to those around us (whether we mean to or not!).

The Creative Spirits and Mystics who join the Collective also shape the future of this community. While there’s plenty of structure and rhythm to our activities, there’s also fluidity and evolution. The shape of the community, what we learn and study together, the resources I create and share — this is all guided and inspired by members of the group! This isn’t a top-down space, but a side-by-side space where your presence and voice are welcomed, heard, and part of the ongoing, creative conversation.

You’re exploring these different themes and situations that occur in life with other people who are curious about that too. I’m not surrounded in real life with people who are doing much internal work, so I appreciate being a part of a community of people who are doing that. All of us going through this exploration centered around Tarot and creativity is really powerful.
— Violeta

Our learning map for 2025!

Here’s what we’re exploring in our monthly workshops this year…

Attend the workshops that excite you, or enjoy the class afterwards!
Each workshop will be added to our growing learning library.

January: Setting Intentions for the Year of The Hermit 🕯️
Join Cecily for a guided ritual to help you identify hopes, dreams, and aspirations for 2025 through the lens of The Hermit card, the card associated with the coming year.

February: Self-Love Ritual with The Lovers 💖
Join guest instructor Maria Minnis (author of Tarot for the Hard Work) for a guided ritual to explore self-acceptance, self-love, and aspirations around intimacy.

March: Nature Poetry for Earthly Devotion 🌿
Through guided writing prompts, inspired examples, and connection with the natural world, we craft poems that express the vibrance of spring time and complexity of our local ecosystems.

April: A (Brief!) History of Tarot 🃏
We explore the origins and fluid history of Tarot — from showy art object and card game to divinatory technology. We’ll examine images from earlier decks and how inform the archetypes we see today.
(Exciting guest speaker in the works!)

May: Animals of the Tarot (Birds & Flying Creatures) 🕊️
We continue our series examining the nonhuman beings we find in the Tarot (as these companions are often overlooked in readings). This time, we honor the birds and flying creatures.

June: Creative Coven — Summer Solstice 🌞
We honor and celebrate Summer Solstice, moving through a ritual of reflection, divination, and soaking up the energies of the moment to nourish our creativity and magic.

July: Rebelling Against the Tyranny of Time (with Tarot)
Time is both a real thing we experience on Earth, and a construct! Capitalist constructions of time keep us hurried, harried, and crazed. We’ll deconstruct, reframe, and reimagine our relationship with the clock.

August: A Brief History of Witchcraft 🧙🏼‍♀️
Let’s time-travel together and become more acquainted with the history of witchcraft — and various definitions of what the term “witchcraft” even means. Come away with a new reading list and personal questions you’re curious to explore in relation to the witches who came before us.

September: Money Magic 💸
Join money energetics coach (and CMC member) Nadine Zumot helps us get curious about relationship with the BIG DOLLAR, the human abstraction that pervades our lives! Through meditation, somatic exploration, and journaling, we’ll identify an element of our “money psychology” that could use a little love and attention.

October: Reading Your Natal Chart with Tarot Archetypes ♎️
It’s possible to recreate and represent your astrological natal chart through all 78 of the Tarot archetypes. I’ll guide us through this process of laying out your chart. We’ll look at how the cards talk to one another across your chart and what that reveals about your nature, your life path, and your “work” in this lifetime. With lots of reflection questions to help you deepen the inquiry afterwards (if you like!).

November: Grief as a Portal for Magic & Creativity 🥀
We make space for one of the most challenging emotions we experience as humans — and we honor our grief through writing, ritual, and creativity, inviting the alchemy that’s possible when we honor the wide expanse of our loss and love.

December: Creative Coven — Winter Solstice ❄️
We close out the year with a guided ritual honoring and celebrating Winter Solstice. We’ll reflect on our latest turn around the sun, and invite deeper reflection through the winter months as we prepare and dream for the year to come.

This year, we’re also reading Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. We’ll be reading one section at a time, with guided and freeform discussion in our Circle chat (online) + occasional Zoom calls.

Learn in your way, in your time!

This is a self-paced, choose-your-own adventure situation. There are LOTS of resources to support you — a workbook, autobiographical writing prompts, reading discussions, journaling sessions, creative time, Tarot study, and a variety of live workshops that move us through different modes of learning — lecture, experiential, conversational.

You get to work with what calls to you, in whatever amount you like. Part of the process is also FEELING INTO your own way of moving and tending to yourself, your magic, your creativity. It’s impossible to fall behind, and nothing is cumulative, except for whatever you put in your “learning basket” as you walk through our garden of abundance!

My own journey learning and practicing Tarot has been winding and meandering. I’ve been able to craft my own curriculum in the magical and healing arts, working with many different resources, entering many different learning spaces, and working with many different teachers — like stitching together my own cosmological quilt piece by piece!

All this has led me to new portals of discovery around different forms of magic, new modes of healing, and what it is I want to create. I’m excited for you to craft your own journey (no doubt, you already are!). But I’m here to support you in finding what you need and making the most of what the Collective has to offer!

I’m starting to really trust my intuition with the cards instead of going to the guidebooks. It feels really good after years and years of looking elsewhere for answers. I have a greater sense of anticipation going to the cards now. And it’s nice to be able to gather and share the experience of working with the cards, but we’re all coming at it from a different perspective.
— Diane

Join us for a BIG, MAGICAL, FUN, CREATIVE adventure!
Where we tend to the deep, hard stuff too.)

✨ If you want to spend more time creating, journaling & communing with the cards…
✨ If you’re ready to deepen and expand your magical practices (on your own terms)…
✨ If you want to wear the sparkly vibes of self-possession and trust…
✨ If you’re looking for a space to have feelings, work through ideas, and geek out all at once…
✨ If you want fun, weird friends you can turn to as the world gets wilder…

We have a seat waiting for you in the Creative Magic Collective!

Membership Rates:

$55 / month

3 months = $150 (save $15)

6 months = $300 (save $30)

12 months = $600 (save $60)

Also available: The Library Pass for $22 / month — includes access to the entire learning library of workshop recordings, meditations, Creative Covens, and Tarot Office Hours. Does not include access to live calls or chat discussion spaces. Get your Library Pass here.

The Collective has helped me get to the point of accepting more of myself to find the creative meaning that works best for me.
— Mary

CMC Members Say…

😍 I've felt nothing but positive energy in this space. I used to dread going to therapy but haven't felt an ounce of that going into this community.

😘 There is this connection to the rest of the universe that opens up when we’re in this community, like when the curtain opens up in the theater. It’s like you’re walking into this other space but you’re also in this realm, but we’re talking about this thing that’s bigger than us.

🥰 It’s a community with your own time and pacing. A lot of times in other communities, you have to make a commitment that you’re going to be there. Life is messy, so it’s nice to have a community to fall back on and join in your own timing. There are a lot of communities that build week-to-week or month-to-month. This offers the ability to tackle things on your own time and have a supportive community without ever feeling behind. You can make it what you want it, but there’s structure within that.

😍 I’m part of a community, and this is a space for me to share whatever my creativity wants to express.

😘 The way Cecily talks about Tarot is useful, but the way we just shoot the shit about it in an informal way is great because no one else I know wants to do that. It’s a multi-element approach that works well.

🥰 I love that there’s so many people from different locations on the map, but also different locations in liminal space as well. If it were just a group of people my age, and everyone was in their late 20s, then I would be like — we’re all shit outta luck. But I feel like I can bring something into the conversation that’s different from what another person can bring, and it creates a more well-rounded experience. I really appreciate that there are people at different places in their lives.

😍 Everyone’s in a grey area. Being able to talk about that in a safe way is really helpful.

😘 It’s a diverse group. All people are welcome. Camera on or off, come as you are. You can participate as much as you want or as little as you want. Everybody has a turn. People are respectful. The group is doesn’t shy away from negative things. It’s like, Let’s see what we can gather from this. Let’s see how we can approach this in a way we can process it.

🥰 In other spaces, people sometimes want to problem-solve, but sometimes you don’t want that. It’s helpful to have a space to be heard.

More love from members of the Collective…

😍 It’s such a compliment to general life stuff, this space where I can come and pull a card and write and get out of all the shit going on. It’s a grouding, supportive space, with opportunities to get together and discuss hard things going on, not like therapy, but more in a sisterhood, or magical way.

😘 We can all meet up from all over the place and connect through this common tool of tarot that helps us interpret all the different things and issues going on for us.

🥰 I’m always fascinated by how layered it is and how interconnected we are. Our experiences are so different, and what we bring to each sesssion may be so different, but they end up being related, and that enhances my life and gives me something to think about.

😍 My therapist would tell me how insightful I was. But I feel like even then, my insight wasn’t as strong as it is now using the cards and reflecting on how I can apply the teachings to my everyday life. I didn’t even know there was a step above where I was, but there is! I know that the difference is related to joining the Collective. That’s what I was looking for. I felt like I had come up to a wall, and I wanted to break down that wall and this group helped me with that.

😘 Cecily’s approach in connecting tarot to social issues is the opposite of bypassing. It’s important to talk about what’s wrong with the world and what’s beautiful about it. I see Cecily take actual steps to make things better in different ways and not just talk about things or espouse the feeling that we’re powerless but it doesn’t matter because there’s this greater force in the Universe. It gives us tools to do things in our communities if we want to and models what that looks like.

🥰 It’s a really fun way to explore yourself, to journal, to meet people. You learn things, you do it with people. You’re not alone. There’s no judgement, no pressure, no performance, no false positivity, no OMG, Babe culture!

😍 It’s fun. It can be very deep. We can talk about heavy subjects and dig deep into stuff, but there’s also this light-heartedness and connection between people, and I feel like that’s just a nice, low-stakes way to explore tough stuff.

😘 I wanna make friends with people in their 20s or 50s or 60s, and I feel like I don’t get that opportunity many other places. There’s a wide perspective of ages, and it’s helpful to see people across the country wanting to connect on this, who are willing to learn new things and not have all the answers.

🥰 The group keeps me steeped in whatever I want, without ever overdosing. I never feel like I’m behind, and that is such a big thing. I want to luxuriate in doing it.

Still have questions?

  • This is a great space to start exploring! There are PLENTY of resources to help you start getting acquainted the cards in an intuitive, organic way, at your own pace. When you join the Collective, you’ll receive the TAROT FOR CREATIVE SPIRITS workbook to help you get to know the cards one by one, through journaling and creative prompts, connecting the archetypes with your own personal experience.

    There are also workshops that explore the cards from lots of different angles — through the suits and by theme. AND we have monthly Tarot Office Hours, where you can literally ask ANY question about the cards. Everyone is at a different level of familiarity, and “beginner questions” are very WELCOME! Each of us started at the beginning too.

  • Awesome! We welcome your knowledge and experience in our learning circle. In addition to sharing your experiences with the cards, this is a space where you can expand, deepen, and reframe your understandings of Tarot's archetypes, and add interesting new connections and approaches to your practice. You also get to explore adjacent forms of magic and divination through our learning workshops, helping you weave together a personal cosmology that is ever-expanding.

  • For sure. You might get the most out of the journaling and CREATE sessions, in that case, as well as some of the live learning workshops. But we do talk about Tarot quite a bit, and there’s a decent chance, if you’re open to it, that you’ll become a bit more intrigued. Tarot is intriguing! And accessible. We find that it only enhances everything else, but being into Tarot is not a requirement to join (just an open mind).

  • That's really up to you! While we'd love to see you in lots of live gatherings, you may want to spend more time learning on your own. It's okay to attend irregularly. Come when you can and when you want to. Our gatherings are meant to help you make time for magic and creativity, while exploring new (and old!) facets of your life and practice. There are no expectations, and everyone in the Collective understands that life is unpredictable. If you step away for a while and come back, you will be welcomed and embraced warmly! You get to make the experience your own, and we'll help you find your way to the resources that serve you best. But being with the community will expand and multiply your learning and your sense of connection.

  • You have one 75-minute coaching session with Cecily for every six months of membership. You can bring your questions and discoveries to this session, and we can explore the meaning you're unearthing in your Tarot pulls, journaling, and creative work... and what you want to do with it next. I can recommend rituals and practices to help you keep going and support you along the way. I can also recommend workshops in the library that support your learning. We can also explore creative blocks, relationships, or work — it's all connected! You can also access additional sessions for WAY below my normal rate.

  • We are definitely diverse in terms of age, location, and the kinds of work we do. There are folks in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s. Right now, all of us are female-identifying. Some are single, some married, some with kids, some without. Labels don’t define us, but here are some of the identities our members express — government engineer, retired textbook publisher, slow-fashion upstart, novel-writer, solo backpacker, freelance writer, mom, money coach, nurse, collagist, book-maker, knitter, poet, teacher. Many of us have very adorable pets who appear onscreen regularly, and a lot of us have strong connections to nature. We’re largely capitalist critical, questioning of institutions, advocates for liberation and equity for all people, and believers in magic and creativity as antidotes to the toxic systems we live within. If you’re seriously interested in joining but feel safer reading the group vibe firsthand, email me at cecily@typewtiertarot.com. I’ll invite you to visit one of our journaling sessions.

  • So much!

    We have workshops on all of the following topics:

    • The Cups, The Swords, The Pentacles, The Wands & The Major Arcana

    • Leadership with the Queens & Kings

    • Animals of the Tarot: Cats & Dogs

    • Tarot for Writers

    • A 6-part series on using Tarot to write your novel

    • Drawing as Creative Play

    • Journaling for Self & Spirit

    • Creative Assemblage

    • Several generative writing workshops called “Octopus Hour”

    • A growing collection of meditations and visualizations

    Plus, all of the workshops listed for 2025 will be added as they happen!

If you’re not quite ready to step into a magical community & explore cosmic corners of the Universe with a fun crowd of smart, weird, witchy, creative & sensitive souls… we’ll wait for you!

Before you go, hop on the waitlist to receive News & special offers!