Typewriter Tarot-Scopes: November 2023

By Cecily Sailer

You’ve made it through the eclipse cycle! You’re striding (or sauntering) through Scorpio season. Your candy chest is filled to the brim, and you’re looking ahead at the remaining months of this rather wild year. Congratulations! I know it has not been easy.

As we move into the month of November, I turned to the cards (of course!) for a message that could offer us a guiding theme for the month ahead, and the headline here is: Let it go and soldier on.

The 8 of Cups from the Many Queens Tarot Deck, The Stone from the Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck, and Ace of Swords from the Fyodor Pavlov Tarot Deck.

The 8 of Cups (this one from the Many Queens Tarot Deck) is about walking away from a situation that no longer offers you growth, acceptance, peace, or prosperity. It might be a situation that looks good to others from the outside, but in your heart of hearts, you know you’ve had your fill and there’s little else for you in the way of nourishment or expansion. Acknowledging the truth of this, we turn away and continue on our journey, trusting that something more spacious awaits us down the road.

The Stone (from the Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck) asks us to either set down our heavy load, or bring with us one kernel of treasure, wisdom, or insight from whatever’s now receding into the past. Just as you sometimes carry home a single rock from your hike through the woods, what keepsake will you treasure as a reminder of the good that was there and the lessons learned? Or, additionally, what heavy load will you leave by the river and allow the waters to wash downstream?

The Ace of Swords (from the Fyodor Pavlov Tarot Deck) is a promise of something new — a project to take up, a moment of clarity to guide you, an idea that wants to be born. Stay focused on the possibility and opportunity in front of you, instead of dwelling on the past and what’s been left behind or didn’t work out. It may feel like the year is winding down, but we are still very much in process. Bold ideas are often birthed in the dark, and the crisp clarity of the coming winter is the perfect time to bring these ideas into focus.

It’s never easy to let go, say goodbye, or embrace an abrupt ending, but we can do our best to trust that the Universe offers a portal for every door that closes. For a more personalized reading for the month ahead, keep look below for your November Tarot-scope!

November Tarot-Scopes

For each zodiac sign, I’ve pulled a card from the Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck to guide a message that can inspire and support you through the month of November. Read the ‘scopes for your sun sign, rising sign, and moon sign, if you like! Or keep it simple and stick with one. Each Tarot-scope includes an additional Tarot pull you can try on your own, plus a creative prompt to help you work with your message more deeply.

The Forest and The Gem from the Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck by Kim Krans.

Scorpio — The Forest: Sometimes we need to get lost in the woods in order to find ourselves again. It’s okay to wander and not know. It’s okay to try one route, circle back, realize you’re standing at the same giant boulder you passed two days ago, and only then choose a new direction. Let yourself soak up the eerie, erratic noises of the nighttime creatures. Bathe in the creek when you find yourself at its shores. Look for helpers and hidden friends, and trust that you will find your way again. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: When I feel like I don’t know which way is up or down, right or left, where can I put up a shelter for the night and rest? Draw an image of the shelter where you’d like to take refuge, should you find yourself lost in the dreamy, misty forest.

Sagittarius — The Gem: As we move into darker seasons, perhaps the waning light will help you latch on to the places that still shimmer under the moon and stars. In a world that offers so many bleak and frightful stories, please keep your eyes open for what still glimmers — the treasures that make life sweet and luscious and fully worth fighting for. We look to you, Sagittarius, to remind us how much is truly possible, so it’s important you seek out the gems in your life, protect them fiercely, and make a couple more of your own. Let your art — and your heart — guide you toward what’s beautiful. You get to decide which treasures you keep private and sacred for your own enjoyment, and which you choose to share with the world. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: What glimmers and shimmers, and how do I want to protect it and amplify its beauty? Pull one to three cards in response to this question and write about the messages you see.

The Underworld and The Starborn from the Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck by Kim Krans.

Capricorn — The Underworld: You are no stranger to this place, Capricorn. (Your Tarot card is The Devil, after all.) And hasn’t this year been a repeat tour of the cavernous realms hidden beneath our everyday reality? We rarely volunteer or make time to travel into the depths below, but it must be done, and you’re particularly equipped to face what’s there. You know how to look at hard things. And you know how to help others see what’s buried, what’s etched into the cave walls, what almost-hidden remnants need their stories told. Whatever you find in the dark recesses of below-ground caverns will change you for the better. Strap on your headlamp and sharpen your night vision. When you return to sea level, you’ll be more than prepared for what lies ahead. In the meantime, stay curious and steady and let the truth reveal itself to you. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: What will be important for me to see when I travel down below?

Aquarius — The Starborn: Well, of course you are! Always sailing at the edges of our reality, exploring the far reaches of the cosmos, and reminding the rest of us that we are small little things, bound by love and history and a giant planet that offers us a home. This month, when the weight of reality feels quite heavy, step back and touch into the ephemeral part of you that existed before this body, and will exist long after. In your meditations, spend time in space, commune with the constellations, and visit the nebula that hold so much indecipherable wisdom. Will you bring back to earth the messages that might help us do better and be better? Will you turn on your shiny aura to inspire the rest of us — and remind yourself that you are ancient, angelic, and alive? Your mantra for the month: I am made of stardust! For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Go out and look at the night sky when the stars are visible. Ask the cards — what messages do the stars have to share with me?

The Unseen and The Warrior from the Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck by Kim Krans.

Pisces — The Unseen: You’re already highly attuned to emotional vibrations; you’re plenty skilled at unearthing the artifacts that lay hidden at the depths of our psychic oceans. But in this time when the veil between worlds is said to be thinnest, pay extra attention to what may be hiding in plain sight. Notice sensations, energetic vibrations, sounds and movements, a sense of presence that steps into your field of awareness. Notice what comes in your dreams, the little gifts, messages, and symbols that seem to appear out of nowhere. These are not coincidence, nor are they to be taken lightly. The most valuable materials available to you this month may be what you can not see at all, but what you know and feel to be true. Don’t ignore it, write it off, or explain it away. Grab hold of the mystery and let it show you the way. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Keep a running list of unseen forces you detect this month, and pull a card as many times as you add to the list, asking — what message is here for me?

Aries — The Warrior: You’re no stranger to the warrior spirit, bold Aries. You know how to fight for what you want, and you know how to frighten away an enemy. This month may be a time to reflect on what kind of warrior you are, and the kind you want to be. Spend time in meditation inviting a warrior ancestor to step forward and offer a message. Look at the fellow warriors you see around you — how do they defend, battle, and protect? What soft strategies push the movement forward? And what sharper defenses may be needed, or perhaps overused? When you imagine how you’d like others to perceive the warrior in you, what do you envision? And what tools, weapons, and allies would you like to have on your side? For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Draw or describe the exalted warrior you already are and are becoming. Ask your cards to show you some aspect of your warrior spirit that you may not have fully embraced just yet.

The Animal and The Vow from the Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck by Kim Krans.

Taurus — The Animal: You Taureans already do a lovely job offering the rest of us leadership in terms of what it means to not only be human, but to be animal. We have cycles, we move according to seasons, we crave comfort, and it’s okay to just exist — we are worthy in our being-ness, period. This is a month to walk that walk even more fully and truthfully. What does your animal nature ask of you in the way of nourishment, home-making, rest, and play? Please listen to, heed, and trust your animal instincts. If you need to howl at the moon, by all means… If you need to roll around in the first snowfall, or hibernate, or climb a tree, or gather creative resources, honor those impulses. It will serve you (and others!) well. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Draw the animal you feel like you are, or are becoming (this can be a creature never seen before on Planet Earth). Ask your cards (you could pull several), what does Animal Me need most right now?

Gemini — The Vow: I know it’s easy to get frazzled amongst all the possible options, to feel pulled in so many directions, to feel like you need to feast on every morsel rather than focus on a single nourishing meal. But as nature’s cycles brings us into a season of subtraction — less light, less growth — your challenge is to practice this same principle. What do you most want to focus on right now? What do you need most to support you through the months ahead? If you could pick “three essentials” for the month of November, what might they be? And then… what vow might you make to yourself to help you focus, deeply and fruitfully, on these three areas you want to give your attention to most. What we commit to becomes our focus, then the rest can become a soft blur that fades into the background for a while until you’re ready to reassess. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Pull three cards, one each to offer insight on your “three essentials.” Write about what they could mean, or what you want them to mean for you. And finish with a vow to yourself.

The Tear and The Box from the Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck by Kim Krans.

CANCER — The Tear: I feel like Cancers sometimes carry the feelings for all of us, and I wonder if that feels like a burden, to have a heart so raw and gigantic and marvelous. There’s plenty in the world to shed tears over these days, and maybe ample material in your personal life as well. Just remember that every tear is a drop of love made manifest, and therefore a work of art. Tears are cleansing and purifying. They show us what truly matters, what we deeply long for, the extent of our capacity to care. This month, I invite you to smile at the fact that you can feel so extensively and exquisitely. Let feelings move through you rather than become you. And know that there is always space for more than one feeling. Next to sadness, we can still find solace. Next to heartache, we can still laugh and enjoy. For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Draw an image of your tears as something else. Draw your eyes as portals to another realm. Write a poem that begins: My tears… and make it strange, beautiful, otherworldly, outlandish, and uniquely you.

LEO — The Box: After ten months living through this wild year (plus all the years before that), what are you ready to shut away, pack up, and set aside for awhile? A habit, a relationship, an emotional vibe, those doo-dads your ex never picked up, a whole oeuvre of your wardrobe? Conversely, after the recent eclipses and in the throes of Scorpio season, what needs to be unboxed and dusted off, reckoned with and re-integrated into life? There’s an energy shift you’re ready to enact — something out, something in. But you get to choose. Boxes help us delineate, sort, and categorize what goes where, what stays hidden, and what sees the light of day. You might also consider: If you hopped into a box, spent a little time there in quiet solitude and contemplation, only to reemerge like a jack-in-the-box, what version of you would pop out again? For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Draw three boxes — one for what’s being put away, one for what’s being unpacked, and one for you to disappear into and reappear from. Shuffle your deck, and place one hand on each box as you draw a card for each one. Write about each card might be saying about each box, and what it means for you.

The Destroyer and The Crone from the Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck by Kim Krans.

VIRGO — The Destroyer: Destruction is also a creative force, in a sense. Not every creation is meant to last, not every edifice is meant to stand forever, and nothing is permanent. This is a season of death, anyway. (I say that archetypally and metaphorically, even though we’re also confronting literal death as well.) The trees are dropping their leaves, we’re clearing out the dead matter from our gardens so the soil can rest and compost. As the year draws to a close, what are you ready to dismantle? What is already falling apart? In order to create a future that’s different from the present, we have to be willing to undo what’s been done, to let it crumble and make space for whatever we desire to bring forward next. Be intentional about what you’re ready to obliterate. Is there an energy of avoidance or resistance (understandable!) as you face the unknown of absence, as you prepare to face a blank canvas and begin anew? For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Pull The Tower card from your Tarot deck and place it in front of you. Sit quietly and meditate on what you feel called to dismantle, write about it for three to five minutes. Then pull one Tarot card for where you can dismantle, and one Tarot card for what new thing can find space after this undoing. Write about the messages you receive.

LIBRA — The Crone: Aging is, uh, existentially challenging? Uncomfortable? A mind-fuck? A battering ram to the ego? But it is also experience and time. It is wisdom embodied. If you’re sweating the gray hairs or the laugh lines or bits of you that were once more firm, please spend this month instead focused on all you have gained by making it this far in life — the hardships you’ve survived, the dreams you’ve achieved, the relationships you’ve built and walked away from. Each wrinkle, each softening of the flesh is a badge of honor, proof of insight and knowledge. The Crone is the one we turn to for magic, for answers, for a steadiness that stems from having walked through the heaps and mountains of what life dishes up. She has perspective. She understands long timelines. She is not urgent or desperate. She is seated strongly in her power. And while the rest of the world may write her off as some white-haired nobody, she can see right through all the bullshit. So sit powerfully in the mystery that you are. Embrace every step you’ve taken on this beautiful planet, every hand you’ve held, every quiet whisper into the night. I’ll know you out there by that knowing smile, that glimmer in your eye that says, “Yeah, baby, I’ve seen it all.” For an additional Tarot pull or creative prompt: Write about your best crone life — what you want it to look like, feel like, where you want to be, and how you want to spend your time. Sit in meditation and take yourself to this future place. When you arrive, ask Crone You for a message or a bit of wisdom (make sure to bring a gift!). Write about your journey and what you learn.


If you’d like to purchase any of the decks featured in this post, we invite you to do so via the links here — The Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck and The Fyodor Pavlov Tarot — or elsewhere in the post, which are hosted through our Bookshop.org affiliate page. This is our online book shop, featuring decks and books to support your growth, inspiration, creativity, and magic — hosted through Bookshop.org, a company that directs revenue and other support to independent bookstores across the United States. When you purchase from our Bookshop.org affiliate shop, a portion of your purchase supports Typewriter Tarot as well, helping us continue and expand our work. In our bookshop, you’ll find curated collections on Tarot, creativity, psychology, social justice, ecology, and more — hundreds of books to bring more magic to your life and your library. If you choose to purchase from our shop, we thank you!


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About Cecily sailer

Cecily Sailer is the creator and founder of Typewriter Tarot. She supports people in developing their intuition, magic, creativity, and spirituality. She is a Tarot reader, witch, bird-lover, and writer based in Austin, Texas.