Posts tagged Ethereal Visions Tarot
Plucking Out and Picking Up the Swords

I’ve always had an aversion to sharpness. Knives, anger, razors, reprimands, scissor blades, harsh words — all jagged edges that cut fear into my heart for as long as I can remember. So, when I first picked up Tarot and got to know the suits — between the heart-forward cups, the passionate wands, and the grounded pentacles — the cold, rational swords were immediately my least favorite.

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Celebrating Mabon with Tarot, Writing & Ritual

The Wiccan sabbat, Mabon (pronounced MAY-bon,) falls on the fall equinox, when the days grow cooler and the nights grow longer. The second of the autumnal festivals on the Wheel of the Year, Mabon continues the celebration of harvest season begun at Lughnasadh in early August, and carries us into the dark half of the year.

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