Posts tagged Tarot spreads
Exploring the Liminal Through Tarot

If you haunt certain corners of the internet, you’ve likely seen a lot about liminal spaces — eerie photos of abandoned shopping malls, darkly lit corridors devoid of life, or vast, empty parking lots. For years, folks have been gathering liminal imagery online, like magpies attracted to the eerie and strange, forming communities around these oft-ignored thresholds.

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Celebrating Mabon with Tarot, Writing & Ritual

The Wiccan sabbat, Mabon (pronounced MAY-bon,) falls on the fall equinox, when the days grow cooler and the nights grow longer. The second of the autumnal festivals on the Wheel of the Year, Mabon continues the celebration of harvest season begun at Lughnasadh in early August, and carries us into the dark half of the year.

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Tarot Rituals for Creativity, Connection & Curiosity

It can often feel as though, in order to be a creative person that you must sacrifice something. And perhaps that is true — true commitment to an artistic practice does require discipline, which sometimes requires certain kinds of sacrifice. But I’d like to challenge the notion that we must earn time for creativity (and other things we love) by sacrificing excess amounts of energy to work, other people, and the all the various demands of life.

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