Become a Member
Our Patreon Supporters…
… love the work we do at Typewriter Tarot! Our members help us keep this work sustainable. In exchange, they receive a rich ecosystem that nourishes their magic, creativity, and spirituality.
When you step into our Patreon community, you receive free seats in our workshops and Creative Coven gatherings, as well as access to our rich library of classes on Tarot, writing, creativity, and the intersections between.
Our members receive monthly divination messages that include: thoughts on energy of the season, Tarot-scopes for each zodiac sign, a Tarot spread, ritual, and prompts.
You also receive occasional essays exploring the topics we love: divination, mysticism, nature, and creativity.
Perhaps, most important, our members join a community of like-minded, like-hearted Creative Spirits — folks who make cool stuff in the world, who love to dance with The Mystery and hold hands with nature!
“I’ve deepened my relationship to Tarot through Typewriter Tarot’s rich, varied, and insightful offerings. That deepening has led me to listen to and honor my intuition more.”
If like what we’re putting out in the world. Join us on Patreon — we have plenty more for you!
Our members sustain our work, making it possible for Typewriter Tarot to give generously to social and environmental justice organizations. In exchange for this investment, we aim to share the best of what we offer to support members and provide special experiences and expanded access to our catalogue of work.
By moving through our library at your own pace, you can deepen your Tarot practice, connect more deeply with your creativity and intuition, and develop your own personal approach to ritual and magic.
Patreon Supporter Levels
All members are entered into a monthly drawing to win a 30-minute Tarot reading, a copy of Tarot for Creative Spirits, or a Mystic Messages deck — winner’s choice!
$6 / month
+ a seat in all workshops & Creative Coven gatherings (plus recordings)
+ access to our full, growing library of classes & courses (see a list below)
+ monthly messages w/ seasonal notes, Tarot-scopes, prompts, a spread & ritual
+ essays on Tarot, magic, creativity, nature & spiritual encounters
+ free year-long Subscription to the Typewriter Tarot Substack
$14 / month
+ all of the above &…
+ a copy of Tarot for Creative Spirits for $50 (regularly $62)
+ a Mystic Message mailed to you when you join
$22 / month
+ all of the above &…
+ a Mystic Message mailed to you monthly
+ access to 30-minute one-on-one sessions w/ Cecily 4 times / year
$33 / month
+ all of the above &…
+ a one-hour Tarot reading w/ Cecily (annually)
** I recommend signing up for our Patreon membership using your laptop or desktop computer, NOT through the Patreon app via Apple because Apple is now charging an additional fee for transactions within its apps! **
Classes & Workshops in Our Patreon Library:
Create Your Own Tarot Card
Creative Assemblage
Constructing Your Creative Altar
In Our Members’ Words…
“[Typewriter Tarot’s Patreon membership] has given me a beautiful container for reflection, as well as a friendly reminder to reflect. That’s opened me up to new experiences and made me feel like new versions of myself are possible.”
“Connecting with others on a similar path — and outside my regular social circle — has been extremely valuable. Being part of this group has definitely encouraged me to start and keep up a daily Tarot practice.”
“I find the words and reflections I receive to be a reminder to slow down, center myself, and pay attention to what’s around me. They inspire me to find breaks in my day to refocus on creativity, and I really enjoy that.”
“Typewriter Tarot’s membership provides an opportunity for me to reflect, practice self-care, and ground myself in The Mystery and self-knowledge.”