Tarot for Creative Spirits

Tarot for Creative Spirits


Begin your journey of magic, creativity, and self-discovery through the 78 archetypes of the Tarot!

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When you take this book into your life, you begin to create your own text of personal alchemy. You will know yourself in more powerful ways; as a result, you’ll feel more connected to your life, your creativity, and your magic. You’ll also have a friend and ally in Tarot, along with new skills, practices, and rituals to draw on as you move through different seasons and cycles.

People who work with Tarot for Creative Spirits often describe feeling surprised by where the prompts lead them and the discoveries they make through the journaling process. Many people report feeling lighter after journaling with this book, and say they feel intrinsically motivation to set aside time regularly to work with the prompts.

Here’s what folks have to say after working with the book:

I’m starting to appreciate and enjoy this form of journaling, this kind of writing where it’s pointed. I’m recognizing what a bridge it could be. I haven’t done that kind of clarification for myself, and now there’s this voice that is strong, hopeful, confident, and feels true. This process is allowing the voice of longing and desire to speak, a voice I trust and love, a voice I haven’t had as much that’s now emerging for me.
~ Ivona (after about 16 prompts)

It's not hard to put time aside for it, because it is the most nourishing part of my day and has made a big shift in my business positioning, too. I feel ‘accomplished’ when I fill the page. ~ Monica 

What a great, great tool! It’s something that’s achievable for everybody with an open mind to it. I get up from my desk just feeling this lightness, which is what keeps me coming back. I don’t think I’ve ever been this active in any of my journals. ~ Violeta

The prompts in this journal have challenged me to look at each card in the Tarot deck in a completely different way. I love how Tarot for Creative Spirits creates a space to think outside the box. For some prompts, I am inspired creatively to complete them immediately, and with others, I'm invited to really sit with the card and observe how it fits into my everyday life. I love the duality within this journal and how there's space for different forms of thought and creativity and not a one-size-fits-all mentality. ~ Mary

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