Typewriter Tarot
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You are more magical than you know!

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welcome to Typewriter Tarot

Community & Sanctuary for Creative Spirits

Our mission is to help more people live creative and magical lives — in alignment with their personal values and aspirations, with a sense of play, freedom, and connection with the world and its mysteries!

Because it’s a difficult (but beautiful) world we live in — global systems of oppression continue to hoard power and consume everything in their path, eating away at our collective spirit and our sense of what’s possible. To survive, we are taught to forget our magic, and misuse and abuse our creativity, time, and energy.

That’s why we turn to ancient artforms — Tarot and divination, ritual, and nature-based practices — to reclaim what has always been ours, from the very beginning: creativity, magic, and community. 

Typewriter Tarot is a space where Creative Spirits can find refuge, kinship, and guidance, where they can feel seen in their weirdness and complexity. This work is designed to help you build a beautiful relationship with creativity, unleash your magic, and cultivate a life that feels meaningful, true, and connected.

Typewriter Tarot - Community and Sanctuary for Creative Spirits
Typewriter Tarot - Our Beliefs

Typewriter Tarot’s work is rooted in the belief that:

Transformation is an ever-present force we can use in our favor. Change is hard and scary, but it’s a fact of life we can’t ignore. Will we attach ourselves to the way things used to be, the way they are now, or the way we want them to be? Or will we cultivate presence and awareness around change, be witness to it, and draw out its lessons, magic, and medicine?

Self-knowledge is the most powerful force available to us. Social and economic systems profit from our disassociation, disconnection, and disembodiment. (Re)discovering who we are and reclaiming the many facets of ourselves is how we learn what we want, need, and deserve. The greater our self-knowledge, the more powerful our magic. 

Creativity is a spiritual energy. Creativity is not an attribute we possess or lack. It’s a force that courses through the Universe. It brought life to this planet and stars to the heavens. It propels our sense of play, discovery, and joy. We each get to design our own relationship to creativity, one that’s centered in our values (not the values of toxic systems)! 

Anyone and everyone can make magic. Magic is a practice of co-creation with the Universe, and we all get to participate. Making magic requires clear intention, ritualized and symbolic action, and collaboration with the invisible forces of creation. Magic comes in every size and shape, and you get to choose what it looks like for you.



Hi, I’m Cecily!

I’m so glad you found your way here. I created Typewriter Tarot in 2017, after a major life overhaul. The transformation I went through and the people who helped me get there ignited a desire to pass on and share something like the support, healing, and inspiration I received in my own journey reclaiming myself. 

One of the gifts I was given over and over (and still continue to receive) is that of story. Stories give us examples of what’s possible and what it can look like to overcome and become. Stories help us feel connected to one another, less alone. And they inspire us to move through life with an evolving awareness.

When Tarot crash-landed (beautifully!) into my life, I was introduced to the most magical storytelling device I’d ever encountered. And Typewriter Tarot was born.

Since then, I’ve been nurturing this project, experimenting, creating, shaping, and putting it out into the world. My hope is that Typewriter Tarot plays a role in nurturing and supporting the creative and magical journeys of so many Creative Spirits wandering the Earth today and in the future. 

Maybe you’re one of them? If so, it’s very nice to welcome you here! I hope you find something that supports and inspires you. Feel free to reach out, and let me know a little bit about you and what brought you here.


How can we support you?

The Typewriter Tarot ecosystem is a land where magic is abundant, creativity runs the show, and community connects us to kindred spirits. There are a number of ways you can engage with our work, which is designed to support you in cultivating magic, nurturing creativity, and living a life that fascinates and excites you.

1:1 Support & Mentoring

Work with Cecily one-on-one to reframe your relationship with Creativity, refine your creative work, or deepen your spiritual practice. 

Group Support

The Creative Magic Collective offers a 12-month self-paced, highly supported journaling experience centered around Tarot archetypes.

Tarot Readings

Our Tarot readings offer a rich exploration of the lessons you’re learning, the opportunities arising, and how best to embrace them.


If you’re looking for deeper, more personalized support, book a Tarot reading, or explore one-on-one mentorship with me, your new champion in creativity and magic!

If you’re looking for a community of like-hearted Creative Spirits, become a Typewriter Tarot member or join The Creative Magic Collective.

If you’re new to our garden of creativity and magic, check out my podcast, explore our blog, attend our next Creative Coven or an upcoming workshop.

And don’t miss our Mystic Messages, books, and poetry-based Tarot decks.

Definitely sign up for my newsletter (below) to receive a free creative ritual and (almost) weekly inspiration, stories, and insights about Tarot, magic, and creativity.


Grow your witchy library!


One small (and fun!) way to support Typewriter Tarot’s work is to explore the collections of books and Tarot decks we’ve curated inside our virtual store at Bookshop.org. You’ll find books on witchcraft and folklore, Tarot (of course!), psychology, money, ecology, and justice. We’re adding new titles and growing our collections all the time.

If you’re looking for your next juicy read, or seeking a perfect gift for a creative and magical friend, take a stroll amongst our online shelves! Typewriter Tarot earns 10 percent of every purchase made in our store, and Bookshop.org uses a portion of its profits to support independent bookstores across the U.S. 

We want to live in a world where more dollars flow toward entrepreneurial witches, creatives, and bookstore owners. Maybe you do too! Have a look around! Let me know if you can’t find what you’re looking for!



It’s our responsibility…


I believe in wealth-sharing and reparations. My white ancestors took part in colonization, and I inherited their legacy. While some of my ancestors resisted the worst parts of the social order of their day, some supported and upheld it. I have the opportunity to be a future ancestor who resisted, who looked for different ways of relating to fellow humans and the natural world that sustains us.

I also believe that practicing magic comes with a responsibility to the collective. I grow and heal on a personal level so I can show up in bigger and better ways for my communities. I help others grow and heal so they can impact their communities. And I share my earnings to support conservation efforts, social justice movements, and access to creative learning opportunities. Six to 12 percent of Typewriter Tarot’s revenue is redistributed to people and organizations doing important work to build a better world. You can see Typewriter Tarot’s redistribution record here.