Wheel of the Year Reading

Wheel of the Year Reading


In this special year-ahead Tarot reading, I’ll pull pairings of Tarot and oracle cards for each of the eight Wheel of the Year seasons (each season lasts between six and seven weeks):

  • Imbolc — late winter (Feb-March)

  • Ostara — spring equinox (March-May)

  • Beltane — early summer (May-June)

  • Midsummer — summer solstice (June-July)

  • Lammas — late summer (August-September)

  • Mabon — fall equinox (September-October)

  • Samhain — late fall (October-December)

  • Yule — winter solstice (December-January)

I’ll pull your cards ahead of time, in quiet ceremony, also calculating your personal card of the year, plus additional cards to explore the themes you’ll be working with in 2025.

Then we’ll meet over Zoom to review your cards in a 75-minute session — touching on major themes, and each of the seasonal energies in your cards. I’ll also craft three mantras and three journaling prompts for each season, and you’ll get a PDF with images of your cards + recommended mantras and prompts.

Readings will be fulfilled in the order they’re received, with all readings delivered no later than January 22. (The first season in your reading begins on February 1.)

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